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Property Investment

Intoday’s unstable economic environment, investing in overseas property is a sensible idea. Risk is minimal provided you take expert advice and returns can be significant. InRealty is hereto point you in the right direction, answer any questions you may have and assist you in carefully choosing an investment property from selected projects. We believe we can achieve returns on your investment which you cannot achieve elsewhere.

When buying ‘off-plan’ as opposed to buying a re-sale property,you get the opportunity to reserve your property at around 20%below market value. The reason properties are offered initiallyat such a low price is to attract individuals who are in nohurry to take occupation but realise the significant savings ofearly purchasing. Construction starts with or without theseearly sales but of course quick sales at this stage enable thedeveloper to make an increase in prices when constructionbegins. Prices generally go up in 10% increments duringconstruction. The best returns can be achieved by investors whoget in first at the very early stages of selected developments.

Obviously, if the overall Cyprus property market continues togrow year by year, the returns will be that much higher. Alllegal issues, securing the investment, preparing contracts andarranging for a bank account in Cyprus (if required) can behandled by one of our recommended lawyers with years ofexperience in the buying and selling of property and all aspectsof Cypriot law. Our off-plan investment portfolio is constantlychanging. In order to keep up-to-date with the best offersplease contact us.

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